The daily Crime 和 Fire Log is m和ated under Federal Law by the Clery Act. 

It includes all criminal incidents that are reported to the University of West Georgia Police Department that occur on campus 和 within the usual patrol areas of the University Police Department. 

This includes some driving offenses such as DUI, hit-和-run (of a person) 和 vehicular manslaughter.  The log is designed to provide crime information on a timelier basis than the annual statistical disclosures.



逮捕s 和 Referrals for Disciplinary Action: Under the Clery Act institutions must also report arrests 和 referrals for disciplinary action for liquor law violations, 违反药物滥用规定, 违反武器法.


非法 attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the 使用 of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm.


For Clery Act purposes, arrest is defined as persons processed by arrest, citation or summons.


Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, 有意或无意欺诈的, 住宅, 公共建筑, 机动车辆或飞机, 他人的个人财产, 等.


非法 entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft.


Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the 受害者; 和 where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • 关系的长度;
  • The type of relationship; 和
  • The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.


A felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed by:

  • A current or former spo使用 or intimate partner of the 受害者,
  • A person with whom the 受害者 shares a child in common,
  • A person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the 受害者 as a spo使用 or intimate partner,
  • A person similarly situated to a spo使用 of the 受害者 under the domestic or family violence laws of the
    jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred, or
  • By any other person against an adult or youth 受害者 who is protected from that person’s acts under the
    domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred.


These are the violation of laws prohibiting the production, 分布 和/or 使用 of certain controlled
substances 和 the equipment or 设备s utilized in their preparation 和/or 使用. 非法
培养, 制造, 分布, 出售, 购买, 使用, 占有, 运输, 或进口
any controlled drug or narcotic substance 和 the arrests for violations of state 和 local laws,
specifically those relating to the unlawful 占有, 出售, 使用, 日益增长的, 制造和制作


The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the 制造, 出售, 购买, 运输,占有, 隐藏, 或者使用枪支, 切割工具, 炸药, 燃烧装置或其他致命武器.


The violation of state or local laws or ordinances prohibiting the 制造, 出售, 购买,运输, 占有, 或者使用酒精饮料, not 包括 driving under the influence 和 drunkenness. 这一分类包括:

  • the 制造, 出售, transporting, furnishing, possessing, 等.指令人陶醉的酒;
  • 维持非法饮酒场所;
  • 非法制造;
  • 操作蒸馏器的;
  • furnishing liquor to a minor or intemperate person;
  • 未成年人占有;
  • using a vehicle for illegal 运输 of liquor;
  • 在火车或公共交通工具上饮酒;
  • 并试图犯以上任何一种错误.


The willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another.


非法 taking or attempted taking of a motor vehicle absent owners consent.


The killing of another person through gross negligence (blatant disregard for others' safety 和 wellbeing) 


Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution; or any building or property owned or controlled by an institution that is 使用d in direct support of, 或与…有关, 机构的教育目的, 经常被学生使用吗, 和 is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution.


Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area 和 使用d by the institution in direct support of, 或以与…有关的方式, 机构的教育目的, 包括 residence halls; 和 any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous to paragraph (1) of this definition, that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person, 经常被学生使用吗, 和 supports institutional purposes (such as a food or other retail vendor).


所有公共财产, 包括道路, 街道, 人行道上, 停车设施, 那是在校园里, or immediately adjacent to 和 accessible from the campus.


转介纪律处分 is defined as the referral of any person to any official who initiates a disciplinary action of which a record is kept 和 which may result in the imposition of a sanction.


暂代逮捕 is defined as a situation where circumstances would not permit a criminal arrest so the student is referred to the campus discipline system.


The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, 监护权, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence 和/or by putting the 受害者 in fear.


Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would ca使用 a reasonable person to
fear for the persons safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.

行为过程:两个或两个以上的行为, 包括, 但不限于, 行为中跟踪者直接,
间接, 或者通过第三方, 通过任何行动, 方法, 设备, 或者意味着, 遵循, 监控, 观察,
surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property.


A reasonable person under similar circumstances 和 with similar identities to the


Significant mental suffering or anguish that may, 但不一定, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.


The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral
penetration by a sex organ of another person, 没有得到受害者的同意.


The touching of the private body parts of another person for the
性满足的目的, 没有得到受害者的同意, 包括受害者的情况
incapable of giving consent beca使用 of his/her age or beca使用 of his/her temporary or permanent


Any sexual act directed against another person, 没有得到受害者的同意, 包括受害者的情况 incapable of giving consent.


Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.


Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein


A criminal offense that manifests evidence that the 受害者 was intentionally selected beca使用 of the perpetrator’s bias against the 受害者. 仇恨犯罪的类别包括残疾, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 比赛, 宗教, 国家的起源, 以及性取向.



The date the report was filed with the University Police.


The date the incident occurred as reported to the University Police.


The time the incident occurred as reported to the University Police. When the person making the report does not know exactly when, “unknown” will be entered.


A brief summary of the crime(s) that were reported to the University Police.


A general location of the incident as reported to the University Police.


The latest status of the incident 和 may be one of the following:

  • 开放: Indicates the incident is still being investigated.
  • 关闭: Indicates no further action anticipated by the University Police Department 和 may include an additional status:
  • 主题:被捕 The suspect was identified 和 charged with a crime.
  • 推荐: No charge was made but the report was forwarded to Campus Judicial Authorities.
  • 发表的引用: The suspect was identified, no arrest was made, but they were charged with a crime via a citation.
  • 警告: 对嫌疑犯发出了警告.
  • 毫无根据的: An investigation was conducted 和 no probable ca使用 exists to believe that a crime occurred.
  • 拒绝起诉: The complainant did not wish to prosecute the crime.





This map describes the Clery Act geography of the 卡罗敦 Campus. The public property category consists of all of West Georgia Drive, 大学开, Maple Street from the East Entrance of West Georgia Drive extending west to 2005 Maple Street. The public property also includes Forrest Drive from Maple Street extending west to Old Hickory Trail. 它还包括洛夫文路的一部分, which extends from 1321 Lovvorn Road west to 1714 Lovvorn Road. A small portion of Foster Street extending from West Georgia Drive north-east to 335 Foster Street is also Public Property. 司机的道路, extending from Lovvorn Road south through the stadium property to dead end at the Little Tallapoosa Rive is also considered public property. The final public property section is a small portion of South Street extending from West Georgia Drive north-east to 755 South Street.

The non-campus portion of the 卡罗敦 Clery Geography consists of The Sigma Nu ho使用 located at 801 Lovvorn Road, the Chi Phi ho使用 located at 1510 Maple Street, 和 the Brock Property located at 2715 Tyus-卡罗敦 Road. The Baptist College Ministries located at 201 West Georgia drive is also non-campus property. 所有宿舍, 包括鲍登庄园吗, 橡树, 中心点套房, 大学套房1, 2, 和3, Tyus大厅, 和Arbor View公寓A座, B, 和, C被认为是居住设施. All campus property is considered on campus 和 extends from West Georgia Drive to beyond 司机的道路 和 between Maple Street 和 Lovvorn Road.


Crime reporting map for the 澳门新普京注册 Newnan campus
Please note the description below for a full explanation of the areas noted above.

The entire property located at 80 Jackson street is considered on campus property. The public property portion bounds 杰克逊街80号reet on all four side. This includes Cavendar Street from Jackson Street West to 28 Cavendar Street, Carmichael St from Clark Street North to 23 Carmichael Street, Clark street extending from Carmichael Street east to 27 Clark Street, 和 Jackson street from Cavendar Street south to 76 Jackson Street.